Setup Pirate Chain Lightd Service

Table of contents

  1. Pirate Lightd Prerequisites
  2. Install cURL and Git
  3. Install Golang
  4. Install Pirate Chain Lightd
  5. Congfigure Pirate Chain Lightd
  6. Setup Pirate Chain Lightd System Service

Pirate Lightd Prerequisites

  1. Local Pirate Chain node synced 100% with the network: If you have followed this guide, this must have been already done.
  2. cURL, Git
  3. Go Language compiler

Install cURL and Git

Just execute the following command in your SSH terminal:

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install curl git

Install Golang

After login to your Pirate Chain Node’s SSH terminal execute the following comamnds:

wget$(curl -s | head -n 1).linux-arm64.tar.gz
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf $(curl -s | head -n 1).linux-arm64.tar.gz

The above commands will download and install Go Language compiler on your device.

Next check if Golang is setup in system path or not, and if it’s not found in the system path, then add it.

Execute the following command:

cat $HOME/.profile | grep /usr/local/go/bin

If this output is blank then execute this next command, otherwise skip this setep:

echo 'PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin' >> $HOME/.profile

Now just to make sure it is setup execute this command which which shuld now print the output instead of blank output:

cat $HOME/.profile | grep /usr/local/go/bin


If you got the output as shown in the above example then referesh your SSH session with updated settings and verify the if you are able to execute go commands:

source $HOME/.profile
go version

go version go1.23.2 linux/arm64

If you see the output of go version commmand that means your system is setup with golang perfectly. On to the next step.

Install Pirate Chain Lightd

In your SSH terminal execute the following commands:

cd $HOME
git clone --branch  dev
cd lightwalletd
go build

This should download the lightwalletd service, and build it on your local device. Now check if the command lightwalletd is there.

cd $HOME/lightwalletd
ls -lh lightwalletd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 piratechain piratechain 20M Oct 24 19:07 lightwalletd

If ls command prints the lightwalletd file is built successfully. Now execute the next command which will help execute the lightwalletd with little easier in future.

sudo ln -s $HOME/lightwalletd/lightwalletd /usr/local/bin/
ls -lh /usr/local/bin/lightwalletd

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 40 May  6 12:59 /usr/local/bin/lightwalletd -> /home/satinder/lightwalletd/lightwalletd

If the above command prints output to your command line terminal everything is OK for next steps to proceed.

Congfigure Pirate Chain Lightd

Setup Pirate Chain Lightd System Service